Carriage by road

The company offers its customers a full package of services in the field of forwarding and carriage of freight by road within the territory of Europe, Baltic States, and CIS countries.

Partnership with carriers in these regions enables us to provide a motor vehicle of any type, any dimensions and carrying capacity, including over-dimensioned vehicles.

Important for us:

Uncompromising approach to preservation of freight safety during carriage.

Thorough check of all vehicles used for transportation for compliance with International cargo carriage safety standards.


Freight delivery

  • Fast

    Our experience, long-term agreements with the most important carriers allow us delivering cargoes as quick as possible.

  • Reliably

    Uncompromising approach to preservation of freight safety during carriage.

  • Cost-effective

    in every case we guarantee optimum price of services

Litas (LTL) currency exchange rate of the Central Bank of Lithuania to 27.07.2024: 1 USD · 2.8387 | 1 EUR · 3.4528 | 100 RUB · 5.0251